Intro.I am Henrik Bech Seeberg, professor in political science at Aarhus University in Denmark. Currently, I am a Visiting Senior Fellow at the European Institute at LSE in London.
My research concerns the causes and consequences of party competition and political agenda-setting in advanced democracies. My research has appeared in Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, JPART among others. I am the winner of the Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the best article published in West European Politics during 2020 and the winner of the Peter John Prize for the best article published in Journal of Public Policy during 2023. My most recent book 'Explaining Local Policy Agendas' came out at Palgrave Macmillan in 2022 and was awarded the Danish Local Government Award for the best research on Danish Municipalities in 2021-2023. Link to my list of publications. I am a 'Sapere Aude' research leader on the project YOUTHPOL, funded by the Danish Research Council (6.500.000 DKr) (more info here) and an AUFF NOVA Grant holder on the project POPPRO generously funded by Aarhus University Research Fund (AUFF, 2.000.000 DKr). I start my 4-year 'Sapere Aude' project in 2024 and end my NOVA project in 2023. I have created a number of political datasets that are available for download here. I joined the editorial board at European Journal of Political Research in 2023, and I run the "Party Politics Speaker Series" in Aarhus in which we organize presentations and talks by inhouse junior scholars and international visitors. Teaching fuels my research. I love engaging with my students and discuss how parties in Western democracies set the political agenda to tackle climate changes, terror, unemployment, and crime. Disseminating my research to a broader audience is a key goal for me, and I frequently lecture for high school students, appear in the radio, or write about my research in Danish newspapers. More about me here. Link to my CV. |
Selected Publications.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2024). ‘Do politicians listen to the youth wings? Evidence from an elite experiment’, Journal of Politics. accepted conditional on replication.
- Senninger, Roman and Henrik Bech Seeberg and (2024). 'What Makes Politicians Attend to Societal Problems? Evidence from a Field Experiment and Interviews with Party Candidates'. British Journal of Political Science.
- Pedersen, Helene Helboe and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2024). 'Do politicians communicate more on salient issues amidst negative polls?', Journal of Politics.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech and James Adams (2024). 'Citizens’ Issue Priorities Respond to National Conditions, Less So to Parties’ Issue Emphases', European Journal of Political Research.
- Senninger, Roman, and Martin Bækgaard and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2024). 'Unsuccessful candidates are more concerned about electoral fairness than election winners', Journal of Politics.
- Green-Pedersen, Christoffer and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). 'Competing on Competence. The Issue Profiles of Mainstream Parties in Western Europe West European Politics'. West European Politics.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2023). ‘The Power of the Loser: Evidence on an Agenda-Setting Model of Opposition Policy Influence’, European Journal of Political Research.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘Issue ownership attack: How a political party can counteract a rival’s issue ownership’. West European Politics.43(4): 772-794. LINK download
- Winner of the Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the best article published in West European Politics during 2020.
- Kristensen, Thomas, Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Mortensen, Peter, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2022). ‘The policy agenda effects of problem indicators. A comparative study in seven countries’, Journal of Public Policy. Forthcoming. LINK download
- Winner of the Peter John Prize for the best article published in Journal of Public Policy during 2023.
The complete list of publications with download options is here.
Work in progress.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2025). ‘Appealing to core voters or potential voters? How splitting issue ownership allows political parties to select campaign issues’, (in review). download working paper
- Tromborg, Mathias, Senninger, Roman and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). 'Who seeks what information? Evidence from an elite field experiment on politicians' (in review).
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Senninger, Roman, and Martin Bækgaard (2025). 'Losers’ consent among elites and the electorate: Bias and debiasing of electoral outcome assessments' (in review).
- Pedersen, Helene Helboe and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). 'A Likeable Message. Do Representative Appeals Increase Visibility on Facebook?' (in review).
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Sofia Ammassari, Duncan McDonnell, Niklas Bolin, Reinhard Heinisch, Ann-Cathrine Jungar, Marco Valbruzzi, Carsten Wegscheider, Annika Werner (2025). 'Political parties and the political efficacy among members of political parties’ youth wings', (in review).
Get In Touch.
Henrik Bech Seeberg
Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Bartholins Alle 7, 8000 Aarhus C Denmark h [dot] seeberg [at] ps [dot] au [dot] dk AU web: ORCID: 0000-0003-4501-4097 Location: Room 237, building 1340 Google Scholar |