On 10 October 2024, I will host a workshop on youth wings and youth representation. The aim is to bring together prominent scholars on this topic. This is an important milestone of my Sapere Aude Project YOUTHPOL (more info here). Can't wait!
On 30-31 May 2024, I will together with Prof. Ann-Kristin Kölln from Göteborg University host a workshop in the party politics speaker series targeted at nordic young scholars in the field, particularly from Aarhus and Göteborg. Much looking forward to this event in Skagen at the most northern tip of Denmark.
Very much looking forward to giving a talk today on politicians' issue strategies and voter responsiveness on social media at the Government Department at University of Vienna. This place is just full of great scholars and kind people at the same time.
Humbled, honoured and excited to be invited by the editors of European Journal of Political Research to join their editorial board. Much looking forward to contributing to this flagship general journal in political science. And much looking forward to getting a glimpse of the engine room of a high-end journal and learn as a researcher.
https://ejpr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/14756765/homepage/editorialboard.html Still struggling to understand that I was selected as 'Sapere Aude' Research Leader after such tough review process. It took 10 months, 1 internal review in the Social Science Danish Research Council, 1 external review by 3 international experts and then 1 interview where I had to convince the heads of the other Research Councils (Health, Nature, Humanities, Tech) to fund me. For once, I will thank my kids for putting road blocks on my research path. If I had not been on paternity leave for 12 months since my PhD-graduation, I would not have been eligible to apply in the first place..
More about the project: Link & Link Such a pleasure and joy to talk to the journalist fellows at the Constructive Institute at Aarhus University on Monday. My talk political parties' negative campaigning and the recent Danish national election was summed up amazingly in this cool visual by Mette Stentoft.
Har virkelig nydt de mange nysgerrige, videbegærlige journalister, som har kontakt mig for at snakke om folketingsvalget 2022 - ikke mindst de mange aftener live på Radio4 med spændende analyser af valget.
Jeg var heldigt at få lov til at holde foredrag for FALS årsmøde med 100 spørgelystne samfundsfags-gymnasielærere på Aarhus Katedralskole
Kæmpe fornøjelse at præsentere min forskning for M2P-forskningsgruppen på Antwerpen Universitet 7. September 2022. Virkelig stimulerende diskussion!
June/July were incredibly busy with 2 article submissions, 4 article resubmissions (fingers crossed!), 5 master-thesis students to finish, 17 bachelor-thesis-students to wrap up, and 3 master thesis to examine. After doing 3 reviews that had been around for far too long, I was able to enter my summer orbit. Luckily my 4 kids will keep me entertained and far away from academic work until I return to organize the 3rd ECPR Party Politics Summer School at Aarhus University on 8-13 August for 25 international graduate students - can't wait!
Henrik Bech SeebergPolitical Scientist researching party competition at Aarhus University Archives
April 2024
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