For my research, I have created a number of datasets that may be of interest to other researchers. I make them available for download as soon as possible. Please cite the articles that I mention in return for using the data. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you encounter any questions or troubles with the data.
Issue ownership. In this dataset, I have trawled through all national election studies of advanced democracies for all elections since WWII to collect every available measure of issue ownership. The data cover 35 issues, 17 countries and multiple elections - almost 1000 observations. The unit of analysis is a party on an issue in an election in a country. Each entry measures the proportion of respondents that preferred this party on this issue in this election in this country. Each party and country is identified through the Comparative Manifesto Project party family coding scheme. Each issue is identified through the Comparative Agendas Project issue coding scheme. I collect the score for the largest party in each party family category.
Dataset: Download
Codebook: Download
Please cite:
Seeberg, Henrik (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492.
More details:
Seeberg, Henrik (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492.
The data are used in:
Dataset: Download
Codebook: Download
Please cite:
Seeberg, Henrik (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492.
More details:
Seeberg, Henrik (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492.
The data are used in:
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2019). ‘How Issue Ownership Reduces to Spatial Proximity’. West European Politics. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2018). ‘The Impact of Opposition Criticism on the Public’s Evaluation of Government Competence’, Party Politics. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2017). ‘What Can a Government Do? Government Issue Ownership and Real-World Problems’, European Journal of Political Research, 56(2): 346-363. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492. LINK download
Political Parties' Press Releases in Denmark, 2004-2019. As part of my research project POPPRO on political parties' responsiveness to societal problems (see more here), I will collect all press releases issued by Danish political parties since 2004. Depending on the resources in the project, I hope to collect a similar dataset on British parties.
Download: Please get in touch.
The data are used in:
Download: Please get in touch.
The data are used in:
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2022). ‘Avoidance and Engagement: Do Societal Problems Fuel Political Parties’ Issue Overlap?', Party Politics. download LINK
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘Avoidance and Engagement in the Electoral Cycle: Selective Emphasis, then Issue Convergence between Political Parties', Party Politics. Forthcoming. download link
250,000 agenda items on 10,000 council agendas in the 98 Danish Municipalities, 2007-2017.
The Aarhus Research Group on Local Policy Agendas uses agenda items on the council meetings in the 98 Danish municipalities to address major research questions in political science. We have collected a database covering 10,000 council meeting agendas in the 98 Danish municipalities since the major organizational reform in 2007 which formed the 98 municipalities. In the database, we classify each agenda item – about 250,000 in total – on the agenda in the council meetings using a codebook consisting of 189 issue categories. This allows us to track over time and across municipalities if, for instance, the issue of climate changes has entered the local agenda and to what extend underperforming schools draw the attention of local politicians. This data provides a unique laboratory to rigorously test major research questions in political science.
The Aarhus Research Group on Local Policy Agendas is part of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP). This is a vibrant international research network of scholars from around the world who share an interest in empirically tracking and analyzing policy agendas.
More about the project and link to download data: Link.
The first take on our research agenda has been collected in our book on Palgrave MacMillan: LINK.
The Aarhus Research Group on Local Policy Agendas uses agenda items on the council meetings in the 98 Danish municipalities to address major research questions in political science. We have collected a database covering 10,000 council meeting agendas in the 98 Danish municipalities since the major organizational reform in 2007 which formed the 98 municipalities. In the database, we classify each agenda item – about 250,000 in total – on the agenda in the council meetings using a codebook consisting of 189 issue categories. This allows us to track over time and across municipalities if, for instance, the issue of climate changes has entered the local agenda and to what extend underperforming schools draw the attention of local politicians. This data provides a unique laboratory to rigorously test major research questions in political science.
The Aarhus Research Group on Local Policy Agendas is part of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP). This is a vibrant international research network of scholars from around the world who share an interest in empirically tracking and analyzing policy agendas.
More about the project and link to download data: Link.
The first take on our research agenda has been collected in our book on Palgrave MacMillan: LINK.