My Publications.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2024). ‘Do politicians listen to the youth wings? Evidence from an elite experiment’, Journal of Politics. download
- Senninger, Roman and Henrik Bech Seeberg and (2024). 'What Makes Politicians Attend to Societal Problems? Evidence from a Field Experiment and Interviews with Party Candidates'. British Journal of Political Science. download
- Pedersen, Helene Helboe and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2024). 'Do politicians communicate more on salient issues amidst negative polls?', Journal of Politics. download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech and James Adams (2024). 'Citizens’ Issue Priorities Respond to National Conditions, Less So to Parties’ Issue Emphases', European Journal of Political Research. LINK
- Senninger, Roman, and Martin Bækgaard and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2024). 'Unsuccessful candidates are more concerned about electoral fairness than election winners', Journal of Politics. download
- Green-Pedersen, Christoffer and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). 'Competing on Competence. The Issue Profiles of Mainstream Parties in Western Europe West European Politics'. West European Politics. LINK
- Poljak, Zeljko and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). 'Attacks and Issue Competition: Do Parties Attack based on Issue Salience or Issue Ownership?' Political Communication. LINK.
- Borghetto, Enrico, Bevan, Shaun, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). 'Do Parties Respond to Problems? A Comparative Study of Parliamentary Questions Across Multiple Countries', Journal of European Public Policy. LINK
- Binderkrantz, Anne, Losinno, Massimo, Jensen, Carsten and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). 'No, political actors do not get their message into the news: an analysis of the effect of interest group press releases', Interest Groups & Advocacy. LINK
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2022). ‘The Power of the Loser: Evidence on an Agenda-Setting Model of Opposition Policy Influence’, European Journal of Political Research. Forthcoming. LINK download
- Blog post at LSE British Politics LINK.
- Frantzeskakis, Nikolaos and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2022). 'The legislative agenda in 13 African Countries: A comprehensive database', Legislative Studies Quarterly. Forthcoming. LINK download
- Kristensen, Thomas, Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Mortensen, Peter, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2022). ‘The policy agenda effects of problem indicators. A comparative study in seven countries’, Journal of Public Policy. Forthcoming. LINK download
- Winner of the Peter John Prize for the best article published in Journal of Public Policy during 2023.
- Kristensen, Thomas, Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Mortensen, Peter, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2022). 'Avoiding or Engaging Problems? Problem Indicators, Party Preferences and Issue Competition', Journal of European Public Policy. Forthcoming. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2021). ‘Avoidance and Engagement: Do Societal Problems Fuel Political Parties’ Issue Overlap?', Party Politics. download LINK
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘Issue ownership attack: How a political party can counteract a rival’s issue ownership’. West European Politics.43(4): 772-794. LINK download
- Winner of the Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the best article published in West European Politics during 2020.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘How Issue Ownership Reduces to Spatial Proximity’. West European Politics. 43(6): 1238-1261. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘Avoidance and Engagement in the Electoral Cycle: Selective Emphasis, then Issue Convergence between Political Parties', Party Politics. Forthcoming. download link
- Lefevere, Jonas, Seeberg, Henrik Bech, and Stefaan Walgrave (2020). ‘Negatively affecting voters’ triple issue considerations. An experimental study of parties’ attack communication’, Political Communication. 37(6): 812-831. download link
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech and Alessandro Nai (2020). ‘“Don’t trust that party!” Undermining a rival party’s issue ownership through negative campaigning’, Political Studies. Forthcoming. download link
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). 'Enhedslisten - en brølende, men tandløs løve?', Politica. LINK download
- Jensen, Carsten and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2020). ‘On the enemy’s turf: Exploring the link between macro- and micro-framing in interest group communication’, Journal of European Public Policy. 27(7): 1054-1073. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2020). ‘The Impact of Opposition Criticism on the Public’s Evaluation of Government Competence’, Party Politics, 26(4):484-495. LINK download
- Bækgaard, Martin, Mortensen, Peter, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2018). ’The Bureaucracy and the Policy Agenda’, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(2): 239-253. LINK download
- Stubager, Rune, So, Florence and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2018). ‘One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Voter Decision Criteria Heterogeneity and Vote Choice’, Electoral Studies, 52: 1-10. LINK
- Nai, Alessandro, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2018). A series of persuasive events. Sequencing effects of negative and positive messages on party evaluations and perceptions of negativity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(4): 412-432.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Slothuus, Rune and Rune Stubager (2017). ‘Do Voters Learn? Evidence that Voters Respond Accurately to Changes in Political Parties’ Policy Positions’, West European Politics, 40(2): 336-356. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2017). ‘What Can a Government Do? Government Issue Ownership and Real-World Problems’, European Journal of Political Research, 56(2): 346-363. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2017). ‘How Stable is Political Parties’ Issue Ownership? A Cross-time, Cross-national Analysis’, Political Studies, 65(2): 475-492. LINK download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2016). ‘Opposition Policy Influence through Agenda-setting: The Environment in Denmark, 1993–2009’, Scandinavian Political Studies, 39(2): 185-206. LINK download
- Stubager, Rune and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2016). ‘What can a party say? How parties’ communication can influence voters’ issue ownership perceptions’, Electoral Studies, 44: 162-171. LINK
- Christiansen, Flemming and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2016). ‘Cooperation between counterparts in parliament from an agenda-setting perspective: legislative coalitions as a trade of criticism and policy’, West European Politics, 39(6): 1160-1180. LINK download
- Mortensen, Peter, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2016). ‘Why Are Some Policy Agendas Larger than Others?’, Policy Studies Journal, 44(2): 156–175. LINK download
- Jensen, Carsten and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2015). ‘The Power of Talk and the Welfare State: Evidence from 23 Countries on an Asymmetric Opposition-Government Response Mechanism’, Socio-Economic Review, 13(2): 215–233. LINK download
- Best paper award at the ’Centre for European Studies’ conference in Washington in April 2013.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2013). ‘Parties and Policies. On the Opposition’s Influence on Policy Through Issue Politicization’, Journal of Public Policy, 33:1, 89–117. LINK download
- Mortensen, Peter, Loftis, Matt, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2022). Explaining local policy agendas: Institutions, problems, elections, and actors. Palgrave Macmillan LINK.
- Winner of the Local Government Award (“Kommuneprisen”) for the best research on Danish municipalities in 2021-2023. Awarded by the Danish Political Science Association.
- Covered by Danish national radio 'P1 Morgen' in an extended interview on 5 November 2021.
- Summary in Danish in a chronicle in the Danish newspaper, Politiken LINK.
- Long read in the news bulletin on the Danish municipalities, Danske Kommuner LINK
- Winner of the Local Government Award (“Kommuneprisen”) for the best research on Danish municipalities in 2021-2023. Awarded by the Danish Political Science Association.
Work in progress.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2025). ‘Appealing to core voters or potential voters? How splitting issue ownership allows political parties to select campaign issues’, (in review). download working paper
- Tromborg, Mathias, Senninger, Roman and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). 'Who seeks what information? Evidence from an elite field experiment on politicians' (in review).
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Senninger, Roman, and Martin Bækgaard (2025). 'Losers’ consent among elites and the electorate: Bias and debiasing of electoral outcome assessments' (in review).
- Pedersen, Helene Helboe and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). 'A Likeable Message. Do Representative Appeals Increase Visibility on Facebook?' (in review).
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Sofia Ammassari, Duncan McDonnell, Niklas Bolin, Reinhard Heinisch, Ann-Cathrine Jungar, Marco Valbruzzi, Carsten Wegscheider, Annika Werner (2025). 'Political parties and the political efficacy among members of political parties’ youth wings', (in review).
- Zeljko Poljak & Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). ‘Copycat Kids? Contrasting the Issue Agendas of 220 Youth Wings and Their Parent Parties in 32 Countries’, (in progress).
- Lewis-Beck, Michael and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2025). "Democratic Denmark: Outlier or Town Crier?" (in review).
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2013). The Power of the Loser: Opposition Policy Influence through Agenda-Setting. PhD-Dissertation, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. download
Textbook chapters.
- Damsbo-Svendsen, Søren and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). "Issue ownership and issue voting in the Danish National Election 2023" in Kasper Møller Hansen and Rune Stubager (eds.) The Danish National Election 2023. Copenhagen: DJØF Forlag.
- Nannestad, Peter and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2023). "Vælgerpræferencer og offentlig politik" in Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Jensen, Carsten, and Peter Nannestad (eds.), Offentlig Politik, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2023). “Political Parties’ Issue Ownership and Communication”, chapter in Nai, Alessandro, Groemping, Max, and Dominique Wirz (eds.), Encyclopedia of Political Communication. London: Edward Elgar. download
Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2023). "Puzzles som et muligt udgangspunkt for studiet af offentlig politik" in Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Jensen, Carsten, and Peter Nannestad (eds.), Offentlig Politik, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag. - Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2022). 'The economy and executive approval in Denmark, 1974-2016', in Matthew Singer and Tim Hellwig et al. (eds.), Economics and Politics Revisited: Government Popularity the 21st Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bevan, Shaun, Borghetto, Enrico and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2020). "The Politics of Parliamentary Agenda-Setting Styles", chapter 11 in Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles edited by Mike Howlett and Jale Tosun.
- Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura, Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, and Henrik Bech Seeberg (2020). ‘Current trends in comparative agenda-setting research’ in Peters, Guy and Guillaume Fontaine (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Comparative Policy Analysis. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar. download link
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech and Ann-Kristin Kölln (2020). “The Red-Green Alliance - Red or Green?” in Oxford Handbook of Danish Politics. Christiansen, Peter Munk, Elklit, Jørgen, and Peter Nedergaard (red.). Oxford University Press. download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech and James Wilhelm (2020). "The 2019 EP Election in Denmark: A European Election within a National Contest", in Assessing the 2019 European Elections: The Interplay between the Politico-Legal Framework and the Public Response, edited by Kritzinger, Sylvia, Plescia, Carolina, Raube, Kolja, Wilhelm, James, and Jan Wouters. Routledge. download LINK
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2018). ‘Befolkningens holdning og offentlig politik’ in Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Jensen, Carsten, and Peter Nannestad (eds.), Offentlig Politik, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2017). ‘Policy and politics in the British political system’, in Nielsen, Julie, Seeberg, Michael, and Jakob Tolstrup, “Comparative Politics”, Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Research dissemination.
- Invited talk at "INVI - Institute for Wicked Problems" on "which problems get political attention and why?", 8 December 2023 in Copenhagen.
- Public lecture series Sapere Aude ("Dare to know") on the YOUTHPOL research project in Kolding, Aarhus, and Aalborg during November 2023 for an audience of 1400-1500 people.
- Henrik Bech Seeberg. "The power of the loser: why governments may be inclined to do what the opposition says", LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, 19 May 2022. LINK
- Henrik Bech Seeberg w/ Peter Bjerre Mortensen and Matt Loftis. "Forskere: Vi har undersøgt 10.000 møder i kommunerne. Resultatet er opsigtsvækkende og opmuntrende" in Politiken, 6 February 2022. LINK
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. "Glem Brexit. Boris Johnson havde aldrig vundet uden et markant ryk mod venstre", Ræson 16 December 2019. LINK. Read
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. "Mudderkast under Folketingsvalg 2019: Virker det?", Samfundsfagsnyt, 215: 18-24.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. "Folketingsvalg: Derfor virker mudderkast",, 2 June 2019.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. ”Mudslinging in political campaigns win votes”, Weekendavisen, 10 May 2019.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech, Bækgaard, Martin and Peter Mortensen. ”’Djøfere’ on the political agenda”, Weekendavisen, 2 February 2018.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. ”The logic behind political agreements in the Danish parliament”, Weekendavisen, 29 April 2016.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech. ”Myth busting: Voters are better at listening to parties than we think”, Weekendavisen, 30 September 2016.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2016). ”Why is the penal code restricted during Social democratic governments?”, pp. 44-47 in Jensen, Carsten (eds.) Politologisk Årbog, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzel Forlag.
Stay up to date on my publications in my news room.
Book reviews.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2024). Review for Democratization of Alesandro Nai & Jürgen Maier (2023). Dark Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. download
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2021). Review for Party Politics of Rune Stubager, Kasper M. Hansen, Michael S. Lewis-Beck and Richard Nadeau (2021), The Danish Voter: Democratic Ideals and Challenges, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. download.
- Seeberg, Henrik Bech (2014). Review for Public Opinion Quarterly of Patrick Egan (2013), Partisan Priorities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.